what a great class. katie, stéphanie, tanya, debbie and i all took a mixed media class on friday night. as always, a fine mess is amazing and very inspirational. i almost packed it in but genna saved the day by helping me with the dry brushing aspect of it. i added the photos yesterday and hung it today in my spare room looking out into my hallway. i love it.
all of the kidlets in the pictures are my nieces and nephews as well as hannah's foot and hand print. together they are my fruit salad. the story behind this goes:
when megan (now 15) was little, i always told her that she was the apple of my eye. when her sisters came along, they too became the apples of my eye. my nephew matthew was next. he was rounder at the bottom and smaller on the top ... resembling the shape of a pear. it was then that the fruit salad concept was born with grapes being added when connor arrived. when hannah was born, i tried to pack in as much as i could in our short time together. i called her 'hannah banana' because, if no one else would tease her, mommy would. about 6 months later it hit me like a ton of bricks ... she (and future kids, if we are so lucky) will my my/our bananas. if my brother and sister one day have babies, they too will have their own designated fruit and join that special place in my heart and soul that is reserved especiall for my wonderful fruit salad. ...xox...
in july i will have a new grape to add to my salad. my niece has a special spot saved just for her and will added right beside her big brother when she gets her.