Yes. It is true. I have decided to join the ranks of musical blogs. It is only recently that I am no longer scared out of my wits when I music suddenly appears and I scramble for the mute button trying to find the source. I still have a habit, though, of opening multiple blog windows at once (I tend to go to my blog and link to everyone's from there) which means I am bombarded with a variety of sounds creating an interesting musical mish mash. I still have many songs I want to add to my playlist but, for now, you are going to have to settle for about 50 songs from the 50's to now.
On a photography note - - - the bride and groom received an album filled with their photos and were thrilled with the results. Phew! Until the final product was approved of, it was hard to rest and relax about it all. I have some more photos I want to play with just for fun, still. Hopefully I can come up with some interesting looks. Now that I know they like them, I can honestly say I had fun with it all on the actual day ... despite my nerves. Thank you, Ronda & Lou for your easy going and relaxed demeanor .. it settled me more than you know. Congratulations again.
On Saturday, September 20th, I attended the wedding of Kevin's business partner, Lou. Months ago I found out who Lou was marrying - a woman by the name of Ronda. Ronda, it turns out, was a classmate of mine in grade 7 & 8 at Glashan. We hung with the same crowd and were in the same class in 7 but went to different friends and different classes for 8. Fast forward 20 years. We start talking creativity - which she has none, she says - and wedding plans. I planned all the decorations for the hall. They did all the decorating. It was beautiful. Thousands of white lights everywhere. Black toule. White toule. Thick tree branches painted white and strung with toule and lights. (A touch from my wedding/my Momma's idea 9 years ago). Not only was a the decorative planner, I wound up being the photographer as well. How nerve racking. I felt alot of pressure and alot of stress. What made it easier was that none of this was coming from the bride and groom. They had complete faith. I was putting the pressure on myself. Despite those feelings, it wound up being alot of fun. They were so easy going, happy and in love. What a great time. I didnt hit the nail on the head with every shot but I think I was able to get my point across and, hopefully, they will have memories to look back on forever.

This is my entry for class two of Bad Girl's Top Designer. The goal was to use a minimum of two patterened papers.
For me, this layout was all about simpliticity and letting the moment speak for itself. It was a reflection of a time and age - when life was so simple and sweet and wonderful and innocent. Because of it's simplicity, I doubt it will be the one to get me to round three but at least TD got me scrapping again. Let's hope it sticks!
A total of 4 patterened papers were used - 2 of which were home made. I used a website template to create primary paper in which I attempted my very best school-worthy writing to journal with. The second home made pattern paper was also downloaded from the internet and printed on cardstock. I then had my nephew colour the animals and write his name. He was given two papers 'just in case' and wound up doing them both. I cut out the animals of the second paper (I even cut out where he went out of the lines) and used pop-up dots to add dimension to the page.
So the demand is only from two people but it is so. Rachel and Barb want me to blog again so blog again I shall.
Nothing much going on here. Been in a scrapping funk for a while. I just look and look and look and nothing comes to mind. Hopefully that has all changed now and the creativity will pour though my veins.
Being that I am not the joiner of these things, I was threatened by Rachel (hmmm - that seems to be a trend, come to think of it! haha!) to join
Bad Girls Top Designer Challenge. Thinking I had many hours left to create for my class, I found out that I actually only had a little over 3.5 hours. Because I was at Katies, I was at a loss. Of course, she was willing to open all of her supplies to me but I just wasn't feeling so I made the executive decision to go home. An hour later, I shut myself in my studio and began creating. Surprisingly, I did it. I created a 12x12 layout in an hour. A definate first for me. I have to admit that I felt like Katie looks when she creates. She just slaps it down and goes with it. I had to fight my natural instinct to plan but it paid off. I made it to Round 2 along with my 4 other talented Ya-Ya's. Congrats to us.